Frances & Kevin offer a wealth of courses that can equip you with valuable skills to benefit both you and your company. But securing internal funding to pursue a course can feel like scaling Ben Nevis. Fear not, this blog will guide you through crafting a compelling business case that gets your boss nodding enthusiastically […]

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How to Become a Marketing Director The climb from marketing manager to marketing director is a coveted ascent. It signifies a shift from campaign execution to strategic leadership. But navigating this path can feel daunting. What skills do you need? How do you showcase your readiness? Sharpen Your Strategic Lens: Marketing managers excel at execution, […]

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The world of marketing is exciting and ever-evolving. It’s no wonder you’re drawn to this dynamic field! But how do you land your first marketing job when you’re fresh out of the gate and experience seems like a golden ticket? Fear not, aspiring marketer! Here’s your roadmap to break into the industry and launch a […]

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The days of Mad Men-esque marketing campaigns and gut feeling strategies are over. Today’s consumers live their lives online, bombarded with messages across countless platforms. To reach them and stand out, businesses need a leader who speaks the digital language – the digital savvy marketing director. But why is being digitally savvy such a crucial […]

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Crafting a compelling CV is key to landing your dream job in marketing. Here are our top 10 tips to help you create a CV that stands out: Remember, your CV is often the first impression a potential employer has of you. Make it count! If you need support with your CV the drop me […]

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For many marketing professionals in the UK, the bustling landscape of brand storytelling and data-driven campaigns harbours a hidden nemesis: the pervasive whispers of imposter syndrome. This insidious self-doubt undermines even the most accomplished minds, casting long shadows over achievements and whispering anxieties of inadequacy. But fear not, for you’re not alone in this internal […]

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